Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Self Portrait Tuesday

Week 2 of January's Personal History Challenge.

I don't really have access to old family photos and what I do have is in storage, but I was able to find a few photos in my closet. I am using one of them for this week but for the last 2 weeks of the challenge, I will probably use more recent pictures (pictures of my little family). Anyway, I found this photo of my Grandmother (Mom's Mother) and I just had to share it. I don't know what year this was taken but I would guess that it was taken in the 50s.

A little background info...My parents divorced when I was really young, maybe 2 years old. They were just kids when they had me (18 & 19) and they only married because of the pregnancy. I lived with my Mom and went to visit my Dad on most Holidays and in Summer. Thing is...My Mother really wasn't equipped to be a Mother. She didn't have enough love or time to give to my sister and I, but she had plenty to give to the many men that came thru our lives. I didn't get what I needed from her, but that's where my Grandmother came in. I was very close to her and loved her like she was my Mother. She's the only one who I felt truely loved me when I was younger. She passed away the Summer that I moved to my Dad's, I was 13. I don't think of her much anymore, which is really sad considering she was such a big part of my life as a kid. Even now, over a decade after her death...I still feel that she is/was the only person that has ever really loved me, unconditionally.

My Grandmother...Mary

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