Thursday, December 15, 2005


I wanna lose a few more pounds before New Year's Eve, so I started Atkins again today. My 1st day back on the Atkin's bandwagon was okay. I'm going from a low-cal diet to a low-carb diet, so it is difficult but hopefully it'll be worth it. It is just a bit nauseating to be eating these fattening foods that you are encouraged to eat for the induction phase. And for me, I always have zero energy during the 1st few days of induction, so that's a bummer too. When on Atkin's, I take the recommended multi-vitamin and 3 EFA pills a day, but my vitamin doesn't help with energy. The EFA pills (combo of flax, fish, & borage oils) do make my skin nice though...which is a bonus that I wasn't expecting.

I never thought I'd try Atkin's because I'm really not a big meat eater and I LOVE CARBS!!! I tried it for the 1st time this Summer and had good results, but I eventually hit a plateau so I went back to counting cals (another thing I said I'd never do). I'm definitely not someone who could stay on Atkin's forever because it it just too restrictive for me, but I will be staying on it until I hit a plateau or reach my weight loss goal (whichever comes first).


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